Susie’s Blog: Mushrooming Danger
Fungi pop up everywhere in Florida, especially after hours of rain and high humidity. Edible mushroom varieties include boletes, puffballs, chanterelles, reishi and indigo milk caps.
If you’re one of those back to nature folks who enjoys foraging for fungi, remember to ALWAYS inspect body shape, cap, underside of cap, stem, mark the time of year and make note of where and on what the mushroom grows– a log, leaves, the soil or even dog doo doo.
Hmm. Use a microscope to analyze every centimeter, examine the shroom’s environment, study a field guide… and possibly die an agonizing death if you make a mistake and dish up one of the poisonous kind.
Or, my choice: go to the grocery store and grab a package sealed in clear wrap. Tastes almost as good but doesn’t carry the possibility of fatal consequences. Ask yourself, “Do you feel lucky, punk?” If not, head for the store.