Susie's Blog: Superpowers

Each of us is born with a superpower. I mistakenly believed mine was to encourage others to discover their own hidden strengths. An important mission–since utilizing one’s superpower inspires us to succeed in life. 

Last year I moved to Florida and watched in awe as animals, reptiles, insects, birds, fish and plants displayed amazing abilities. Whether lifting many times its body weight (Hercules beetle), spinning webs (spiders), jumping to fantastic heights (grasshoppers), blending into its surroundings (anoles), freezing into immobility at the first hint of danger (rabbits), or enticing lunch to walk into its mouth (Venus fly-trap)–the list is endless.

Once you realize the multitude of superpowers existing in nature, you can identify the ones that others possess:

  • Man walks into a roomful of strangers and immediately acquires new friends
  • Mom who has eyes in the back of her head (at least her kids think so!) to spot mischief or approaching danger
  • Preteen who diagnoses and resolves computer, iPhone or other device malfunctions

Nature’s inhabitants instinctively rely on their superpower for survival.

Identify your superpower–it might just save your life.

It did mine.